General Dentistry in Silver Spring, MD

General Dentistry in Silver Spring, MD

A general dentist can comprehensively meet the dental needs of an entire family. This makes it convenient to avail of all the treatments under one roof and location. At De Lucs Dental, LLC, we strive to offer everything from general dentistry to complex dental procedures so that you can enjoy a healthy and vibrant smile.

What Is General Dentistry?

General dentistry includes various procedures that improve your oral health and enhance your smile's aesthetics. As a general dentist, Dr. Gary Lucombe is qualified to provide complete dental care that meets the needs of an entire family of different age groups. We deliver efficient preventive, restorative, and cosmetic care treatments to ensure a beautiful smile, perfect oral health, and prevent future complications. 

General Dentistry Services at De Lucs Dental, LLC

  • Cleanings and Exams

We offer comprehensive exams that must be undertaken bi-annually to keep your oral health in perfect condition. It allows us to identify oral diseases in their preliminary stages and provide timely and appropriate treatment.

Teeth cleanings will help remove the tartar and plaque accumulation in the mouth. Routine cleanings can fight tooth decay and cavities.

  • Digital X-Rays

Most of the oral conditions may not be apparent during a visual exam. To help support our judgment better, we take low-dose digital X-rays that efficiently evaluate your dental disorders.

  • Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride is a mineral that helps avert tooth decay. It acts to strengthen a tooth's enamel and keeps it robust and healthy. Fluoride application is highly effective at preventing tooth damage by coating the surface and not allowing plaque accumulation.

  • Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancer screenings include a visual evaluation of your oral cavity structures, including a check for red or white patches or unusual sores. The timely diagnosis of cancerous lesions in the mouth makes it possible to treat oral cancer successfully.

  • Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planing are gum care treatments that thoroughly eliminate plaque and tartar. In the scaling procedure, the teeth and deep pockets along the gum line are cleaned. Root planing reduces the size of these pockets and encourages healthy gum tissue to reattach to the teeth. 

  • Sealants

Sealants are a protective layer of composite resins cemented to the back molars and seal the cracks and fissures to prevent harmful bacterial accumulation. They are significantly beneficial for children's developing teeth.

Dr. Gary Lucombe Dentist in Silver Spring, MD can help provide solutions that will improve your oral health while transforming your smile. Visit our office, De Lucs Dental, LLC, at 8630 Fenton Street, Suite 204, Silver Spring, MD 20910, or call 301-587-8081 | 301-587-8082.

Silver Spring, MD

8630 Fenton St, Ste 204, Silver Spring, MD 20910

    Business Hours

  • MON - THU: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
  • FRI: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • SAT - SUN: Closed